
Over the past 20 years in project management, I have worked alongside a variety of companies, consistently bringing positive change. My experiences across diverse environments have allowed me to connect with people from all walks of life. This journey has cultivated a unique perspective on team dynamics and deepened my understanding of diverse interactions.

After graduating from university with a bachelor's degree in Chemistry and Biology, I delved into the world of environmental chemistry, toxic and waste management, and chemical sample analysis. I gained valuable experience in these fields before life presented me with new opportunities and outlets for my passions.

In addition to my background in environmental chemistry and toxic waste management, I also have extensive experience in the food industry. I have held leadership positions in event planning and served as a regional manager, overseeing the planning of events for prestigious organizations such as the UN, German Embassy, and Netflix. Through my strategic initiatives, I have successfully contributed to revenue generation, with a track record of establishing $2 million for establishments.

My passion for technology, digital media, and design enhances my professional path. It led me to take advanced studies in Digital Media, Music Production, UX/UI, and Full-stack Web Development at prestigious institutions such as MIT, the University of Michigan, CalArts, Berklee, and IBM.

As the digital landscape evolves, my focus now converges on AI and cutting-edge technologies. Drawing from past experiences and combined with newly acquired ones, I am not just looking to collaborate; I am eager for symbiotic growth with diverse teams. The future, as I see it, is one where we do not chase innovation. we define it and make it beneficial for everyone. By blending traditional expertise with contemporary insights, we have the potential to craft an invigorating digital narrative.

In this journey, I look forward to sharing my insights and embracing fresh perspectives from those I collaborate with. Together, we aim to create, innovate, and elevate the digital future.

I have a deep appreciation for the arts, science, and technology. When I am not immersed in these fields, you can find me exploring nature with my wonderful Boston Terrier dog Leonardo, engaging in activities like foraging and photography. Within my community, I find joy in volunteering and assisting the elderly in understanding and connecting with technology.

Outside of work, at home, I channel my creativity through playing the Bass Guitar, producing electronic music, and delving into the world of sheet music and notation. Additionally, I am passionate about learning languages and am currently advancing my skills in Spanish, German, and Hebrew.



In the hazy silhouette of dusk, a figure stands adrift in the lull of the Portishead echo, a silhouette etched against the fading light. The sea, a glassy expanse under the waning sun, mirrors the quietude of a half-lit world. There's a resonance in the stillness, a haunting melody that plays between the gentle crests of the waves, as if the twilight itself hummed a brooding lullaby, reminiscent of a distant and introspective serenade.


The Fountain

Beneath the arches, echoes linger, a reverie draped in mist. The Bethesda Fountain, a solemn sentinel enshrouded in the morning's breath, stands at the heart of Central Park's whispered tales. Water's gentle fall, a steady beat beneath the city's murmur, a triphop rhythm set against the soft chaos of urbanity. In this dreamscape, reality blurs, and for a moment, all that exists is the dance of water and stone, light and shadow, all swathed in the enigmatic embrace of the fog.


The Turtles of Prospect Park

In the still waters of Prospect Park, turtles bask in repose on a sun-drenched log, an image of meditative calm. Their shells, like ancient amulets, glisten with stories untold, each basking in the reflective glow of the water's surface. This congregation of quiet sentinels, perched between water and sky, embodies the park's tranquil essence—a living tapestry woven into the urban oasis.



Perched atop the enduring bronze, a gathering of acorns lies in silent repose, an organic tribute nestled against the ageless artistry of the sculpture. Each acorn, a natural jewel, stands as a testament to the living canvas that nature and humanity co-create.


The Swift Flower

A solitary bloom, vibrant against the monochrome whispers of the sea, stands resolute. It's a bold stroke of nature's paintbrush on the canvas of the shore, a testament to the tender defiance of growing wild and free. The waves, performers in the background, croon a soft melody, while the flower, in its quiet stage, holds the light—capturing a fleeting serenity in the grayness of the world.


La Playa

In the embrace of dusk, the sky bleeds shades of passion and fury, igniting the horizon in a silent rebellion. The sun, a fiery orb, kisses the sea, casting a spell of liquid amber across the waves. A lone bird, wings etched against the blaze, rides the warm reggaeton rhythm of the wind, its flight a freestyle verse in the symphony of the closing day.


The CatsKills Stream

In the wild serenity of the woods, a stream whispers tales of ancient earth. Amidst this untouched tableau, a lone canine adventurer in vibrant blue stands poised, a playful contrast to the russet leaves and the eternal dance of water and stone. Here, in this moment, nature and companion converge, the pulse of life's simplicity flowing as freely as the stream itself.



In the embrace of roots, a gathering of mushrooms unfurls, an echo of the earth's whisper. Here, umami's essence is not tasted but felt—a silent symphony of the soil, a mystery not to be devoured, but to be discerned in the quiet communion with the forest's subtle breath.



Perched upon a mossy throne of stone, Leonardo reigns with a watchful gaze over his woodland kingdom. His sleek, ebony coat is a stark brushstroke against the tapestry of earthen hues, a sentinel amidst the whispering trees. There's a timeless grace in his stance, a companion to the forest's whispered secrets and the silent stories etched into the ancient rock beneath his paws.



In the stillness of the woods, where whispers of leaves and the gentle flow of the stream intertwine, sits Lucy. Her poised figure, a living memory, remains etched against the forest's heart. Her spirit, as vibrant and enduring as the timeless landscape, continues to dance in the rustling foliage and ripple across the water. Here, in this captured moment, Lucy's essence is forever intertwined with the woods—her memory a gentle paw print on the earth's vast canvas.






Amidst the forest's autumnal quilt, a fallen log plays host to a flourish of fungi. Their golden silhouettes contrast vividly with the shadowed wood and the tawny carpet of leaves, illustrating a rich tapestry of decay and growth.